Q&A with Hannah: Exploring Vascular Science at UHS

Healthcare science

Q&A with Hannah: Exploring Vascular Science at UHS

Meet Hannah, a Vascular Scientist at UHS. Hannah has been with the Trust for 4 years and undertook an NHS Scientist training programme with UHS. 

What is your role and what does your role entail? 

I am a Vascular Scientist. My role involves performing ultrasound scans of the veins and arteries in the body to look for narrowing and blockages which could be causing the patient’s symptoms. As well as performing the scans, I also write a report for the referring doctor. explaining the findings of the scan.

How long have you been with UHS and what was your career background? 

This is my 4th Year at UHS. I have recently completed the NHS Scientist training programme and undertook my training at UHS. After completing my training, I was successful in getting a full-time position within my department.  Prior to starting at UHS, I completed undergraduate and master’s degrees in Sports and Exercise Science at Cardiff Metropolitan University. I also worked as a lifeguard and personal trainer before starting at UHS.

Is there a specific piece of equipment that is used at UHS that helps you with your job and what development are you looking forward to? 

The main piece of equipment that we use in our role is an ultrasound machine. We have different probes operating at different frequencies to ensure we can get the best image.

We are currently in the process of offering two new services which will involve 2 new types of scans which we currently do not perform at UHS. I’m looking forward to learning these new scans and developing my skills as a Vascular Scientist.

Has any new cutting-edge research or techniques been used in the department since you joined? 

I am currently undertaking a research project with the Vascular surgeons at UHS. We are investigating whether Thoracic Aortic aneurysms can be detected and measured using ultrasound. They are currently detected using CT and if our study is successful, we hope in the future that ultrasound can be used to screen for Thoracic Aortic aneurysms.

What is the overall team environment like and what does your team do to help keep morale up and support each other? 

I would describe our team as welcoming and friendly. Everyone is always so caring, and we are always willing to help each other out. If you ever have a problem everyone is willing to help.

I feel that we are a really close team. If you are other unsure about something during a scan or how to write something you can always ask your colleagues for help and advice. Also, if one of our team members is delayed during a scan we will help out and scan other patients that are waiting if we have finished our lists. Everyone is always willing to help and support each other.  We also enjoy team trips to costa for a treat!

What do you feel is world-class at UHS? 

I think what makes UHS world-class is its research.  At UHS, there are always so many interesting and ground-breaking studies being performed. It’s great to see how we are leading the way.

What service does Healthcare Science offer at UHS? 

Within the Healthcare Science profession, there is a wide range of specialisms. Here at UHS, Healthcare science plays a major role in the diagnoses and treatments of patients.

What specialism did you study to become a Healthcare Scientist and since joining UHS have you had opportunities for training and development? 

I completed the NHS scientist training programme in Vascular science., here at UHS. This training programme includes a master’s in healthcare science alongside specific training in the hospital. Since joining UHS, I have had multiple opportunities to develop as there are always lots of conferences and courses, I can attend to develop my skills.

What personal qualities do you feel you need to be a part of the Healthcare Science speciality? 

In order to be a Vascular Scientist, you need to be able to be friendly and empathetic as you work with patients. You also need to work well under pressure as we have busy clinics.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting a career as a Healthcare Scientist?

My advice to someone thinking about starting a career in Healthcare Science is it’s a really rewarding job as you help lots of patients. There is a range of specialisms to choose from including those who work with patients and those who don’t. So, there is something for anyone.

Is there a moment of working in the department that made you feel proud of your job? 

I think every day I feel proud doing this job. It always feels rewarding knowing that you are helping patients.

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